I actually got a lot done today. I finished stripping the paint off the fireplace and then I got the hardibacker cut pretty close to size. The small back piece is good. I still need to decide on my exact dimensions of the large front piece though. I found out the manual was a bit misleading when it came to the size of the jotul f100. Apparently the legs on the stove are actually 16 inches apart. That is going to put me at 34 inches out from the front of the fire place. The peice of hardibacker comes at in at 36. So is it worth cutting those 2 inches out? Also will it look better to angle the corners of the hearth or leave it straight? I also need to decide if what tile to go with. That is going to have an impact on how big the angles are if I do go that route. Decisions... diecisions...
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